Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Opinion: Obama on Gun Control...Too Little Too Late

Read this.

This. (if you haven't already)

This. (you probably didn't read it)

And this. (if you haven't already)

That's right, you do what I say because I am your master. Three conflicting views all with valid points. I'm right of course, and by default they would be wrong, good arguments nonetheless. In the wake of the latest and probably most horrific mass shoot, it's going to be pretty tough to stand on the other end of this issue. I threw out a pretty bad scenario in my post, but nothing as bad as what actually occurred. Now Obama wants to call for stricter laws on guns, and while I do believe there should be a ban on assault rifles and other automatic weapons, I do not want these people to take this tragedy as a reason to jump overboard with my rights. People still have their right to protection and sport (hunting, I don't but I know people do, and do so without murdering one another). I still want to be able to purchase one if I feel the need. And do not want to have to attempt to purchase one illegally if I cannot, because let's face it, unless the police are going door to door collecting guns, there are plenty of them out there and the number will continue rise.

I'm probably over simplifying this, but I would think the best way to attack the issue without going too far is the ban I already spoke off and having shop keepers check to see if the person buying the gun has a legit license, we stop the criminals and crazy people from buying guns...legally at least. We already talked about how easy they are to get. Your other option...well, I kind of hesitate to write this, it's such a loaded issue and what has just transpired is so wrong...but

arm everyone. I'm serious, at this point trying to get the guns out of America is like trying to take the salt out of the ocean. Mandatory handguns and free trips to the firing range for everyone, well the trips to the range aren't mandatory, they are just highly recommended. But everyone would be issued a pistol from the state. Perhaps drastic measures need to be taken. It's gotten ridiculous, and call me crazy, but one of the best ways to make these mass shooting go away is to have every adult and his momma packing heat.

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