Saturday, July 28, 2012

Editor's Response: Ban on Assault Rifles and Automatic Weapons

Though Mr. Copperhead was quiet eloquent in pointing our that state endorsed genocides, and infantry/officers that fail to exert sympathy, empathy, or self control, I am well aware of there existence. The numbers are staggering even though most of these events took place over years under violent regimes. However what Mr. Copperhead failed to recognize is that I am not talking about military murdering civilians, that has been done before the invention of the assault rifle, hell before the invention of the gun. So while I appreciate all the international statistics and found the link very interesting, let's stick to America who is typically near the top of the list every year, sitting pretty with countries that are either virtual war zones or are suffering from out of control drug cartels.  So most of what he addresses I cannot speak too, though it seems like a rather simplistic and cold take on the issue. If Mr. Copperhead his reading this I would like him to take moment and reread my article, because I was not pushing to have assault weapons banned, simply banned from civilian use and distribution. To claim that not allowing our citizens access to weapons made for war, is self defeating and that the 'occassional psychopath' getting his hands on an AA-12 and going berserk in a mall is acceptable..because governments have done it on a larger scale? I'm sorry, I find that logic offensive and disgusting considering how easy it is to procure automatic firearms in some states. In summation, though I respect your views and appreciate your take on the larger scale of things, I hope you can understand these are separate issues and one does not excuse the other. Speaking on the issue of state violence against it's on people. Well, even with the assault rifles, we are outgunned by the states bombs, missiles, and nukes. There is no reason to clutch your AK so the government won't violate your rights. If they want you violated, it's going to happen. So please Mr. Copperhead, uncock the trigger, remove the clip, empty the chamber, and PUT THE GUN DOWN!

Note: For further reading on the issue, one of the guys at wrote a funny but ultimately pointless article that can be read here.


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